Trouble maxing your daily uploads?  How about making some Easter shirts with FREE Vectors?
Wait.  FREE Easter Vectors?
Why yes, yes I would love to check those out!
If you aren't quite sure how to use them, watch this 11 minute video to get an immediate tutorial on the basics, to start designing your own shirts right now. 
Why is it so important to learn how to use vectors?
I am sitting at my desk, right now, designing t-shirts.  I combined 3 vectors on this list, and with appropriate text for the niche I'm targeting, I was able to make 50 shirts.  

50 designs.  Think about that.  With only three vectors.  And there are 37 other ones to use.

They can be combined with multiple vectors on one design, stacked together, large sized ones as a background, and so on.  If you can think it, you can create it!

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